Ancestral Healing

During an ancestral healing session, a client is guided through having their own direct experience of their ancestors. Specifically, we connect with ancestral guides on a lineage of choice who are wise and well in spirit and can facilitate healing for the client personally and other descendants in a lineage.

During these sessions, we also explore a variety of ancestral terrain including being introduced to our ancestral lands, the various other-than-human kin that our ancestors are in relationship with (affinity spirits, power animals, etc).

We also uncover the ancestral themes of a given lineage, the blessings and challenges of your ancestors and how your ancestral guide can help you in your life’s work. 





75 minute 1:1 session with Sasha that includes a guided ritual, divination and invitations for deepening in the work.

75 Minute 1:1 Session

Session notes and a recording of our session will be delivered to your inbox within 24 hours of the session being completed. 

Session Notes

Resources to learn more about ancestral healing and ritual prescriptions based on what comes up in your sessions.

Supporting Resources





Sasha has been extraordinary.

My experience working with


Ritual Healing

This is a customized ritual performed for you, where I personally journey with my helping spirits to execute some element of soul or power animal retrieval, curse unraveling, extraction, depossession or land clearing on your behalf. Ritual healing sessions are specifically for people who need a higher level of ritual support because of a larger, more systemic trouble or pain/ pattern in their lives. 

At some point, most of us will be impacted in some way by the troubled dead. The world of spirit and the physical world are not separate and sometimes sensitive or more emotionally in tune people can sense unwellness around them.

This could manifest into feeling "stuck" in despair, hopelessness, anxiety, chronic pain or a physical injury. It could also look like a sudden loss of life force energy, disrupted sleep or general misfortune.

These services are only offered to students the course The Medicine We Carry because these are advanced rituals where the client themselves is ideally actively engaged and supported in their own healing journey and generally aware of how to hold ritual space.


where I personally journey with my helping spirits to execute some element of soul or power animal retrieval, curse unraveling, extraction, depossession or land clearing on your behalf. You'll also receive session notes as well as invitations for deepening.

A customized ritual performed for you...






This work compliments mental health services and other therapies beautifully. I recommend every person who has access to mental health services to find a provider who aligns with their values and utilize those services. I would not recommend someone who is having a mental health crisis and has no experience with ritual work to begin working with spirits. I would recommend working with a good mental health provider and once out of crisis mode and focused on growth, it could be a good time to begin a ritual practice. 

How does this work relate to mental health services?



It's true that this work has many names. While I don't tend to reach for the word "shamanism," it can sometimes be the most recognizable word to describe this work, which inherently recognizes the connection between the everyday and the sacred, the physical world and the spirit world, the seen and the unseen, etc. Usually, I call this work "ritual work," because through rituals, we stand on thresholds that open us up to deeper awareness of ourselves, our emotions and experiences. 

what do you call this work?



That'’s ok. Like meditation, the skill of connecting with Ancestors and Guides is one that can be learned and practiced. In the decade I've been doing this work, I've not yet met one person that could not develop this ability.

I don’t think of myself as a magical or intuitive person… What if I’m not able to connect with my ancestors, guides, power animals, etc?



No, they are not mediumship sessions. I am trained specifically in an empowerment model. During these sessions, you will be guided through having a direct experience of your Ancestors. I will help you develop the muscle of communicating directly with your people. Like baking bread or learning a new instrument, communicating with your Ancestors and helping spirits is a skill that anyone can cultivate.

Are ancestral healing sessions mediumship sessions?



My practice inherently recognizes the goodness in each individual and aims to help people connect with their own source of goodness, healing and love. As diverse as the Earth is (from the mountain peaks and valleys to the vast rivers, oceans and beyond), I believe that each of us can have a similarly diverse experiences of the Divine that are aligned with our inherent gifts and affinities. 

Is your practice tied to a specific belief or tradition?



People of all faiths, backgrounds and identities are welcome in this work. The spirit of this work is animist in nature, acknowledging the sacredness of all that is. Whether that be the rocks deeply planted in the Earth's core, the lions roaming the savannah, the ancient rainforests of the Amazon to the vast cosmos - that there is goodness, intelligence, creativity and divinity all around us. 

Do you work with people from different faiths?



Kindness. That's tough, and I can relate a bit. I would recommend going slowly and beginning with the ancestral lineage that is most well in spirit first. Once the Ancestral Guide of that lineage is online, you will be more resourced to continue the work.

I had a bad experience growing up with my family of origin, and I’m a little scared to do this work. What would you recommend?



Yes. Several of my clients who have no knowledge of their blood ancestors go on to have wonderful and vibrant relationships with their Ancestors. For many, it is a deeply healing and nourishing experience.

I am adopted and don’t know anything about my blood ancestors, but I’m curious. Could you help me connect with them?



All of us inherit some level of ancestral trouble or grief that is ours to work through. Until you begin engaging with your own Ancestors and Guides, it's hard to know if the unhelpful pattern (or curse) is tightly bound or not. Most of the time, our Ancestral Guides with our helping spirits can do the work of unraveling the unhelpful dynamic. If the pattern is particularly stubborn or deeply embedded, advanced ritual work could be needed. 

I feel like I’m cursed or unlucky. Can you help?



During ancestral healing sessions, I guide the client through having a direct and personal experience of their ancestral guides and ancestors. During ritual healing sessions, as a practitioner trained in psychopomp work, I journey with my own helping spirits and perform the ritual for you. 

What’s the difference between the ancestral healing sessions and the ritual healing sessions?



That's accurate. Mostly, I offer ancestral healing sessions for clients because it is the most ritually safe way, in my opinion, to approach the spirit world. Our ancestors are uniquely invested in our wellness. It's not uncommon for power animals and other helping spirits to show up during ancestral healing sessions. In some ways, they are the same, but I like to approach them with respect for our Ancestors first as they are the elders overseeing the process of healing. 

I noticed you only offer 1:1 ancestral healing sessions to the general public. Do you also offer 1:1 power animal sessions?



Please note that I offer a certain number of low-income sessions per month as well as a discount for the course/ entrance into the community. Please reach out for more details:

I'm struggling financially. Do you offer any assistance?



Asked Questions


are an unexpected delight and balm for my soul.


I am left feeling more grounded, connected to my ancestors and held by the universe. Sasha held our time together with so much depth and good humor. She makes the whole enterprise into an expansive adventure. I can't recommend this journey enough.
