Gratitude Ritual at the River


August 18, 2023

From time to time, I like to take the kids to connect with specific land spirits. We practice greeting and attuning with them.

To witness a 3 year old and a 5 year old approach a river with respect and kindness in their hearts is a special kind of joy for a mother. To watch them rush around like a river and dance with each other is such sweetness.

Our remembrance and gratitude rituals that we do as a family are very simple. We pack a picnic and bring some flowers as an offering to the river.

When we get to our special spot, we spend time with the river, greeting them. We notice what’s going on around us and imagine seeing life from the river’s perspective. Sometimes, we play with embodying the river through dance or yoga.

Then we give thanks to the river, acknowledging that this river as well as many other rivers in the world are sacred places for healing and gathering.

We offer up our hearts to the river and place a flower as a sign of our love. Sometimes we also drum to amplify the gratitude in our hearts.

Often times, we continue in conversation with the river and give gratitude for our family, friends, community, for our beloveds on the other side and for all beings. That we may all be happy and at peace.

And while it’s subtle, our children are growing in their awareness that the river has conscious awareness. Without me directly telling them this, they are learning that the river is available for relationship and sees our desire to relate directly with them.

During bath time recently, I overheard our daughter talking to her bath water and saying, “Thank you Water for cleaning me.” My heart expanded instantly. She gets it.

sessions with Sasha were a delight and a balm for my soul.

"ancestral healing

I am left feeling so much more grounded, connected to my ancestors, and held by the universe. Sasha held our time together with so much depth and good humor. She makes the whole enterprise into an expansive adventure. I can’t recommend this journey enough.




August 16, 2023

The kids were asleep and it was later in the evening. My mother and I were alone in my kitchen. I watched in amazement as she continued to deny my childhood experiences that brought up so much hurt and tenderness for me. I could feel myself start to retreat and I wanted to withdraw.  It […]